Alopecia - Hair loss from ticks and fleas!
Oct 04, 2018
Alopecia: Hair loss from ticks and fleas!
Alopecia is a fairly common issue of hair loss that can affect endocrine, lymphatic system, immune system, and the dog's skin. It can be extremely devastating to dogs, not to mention painful and itchy. The hair loss in such cases can be either partial or complete and there may even be issues with hair growth in general in some places. It’s hard not to notice the patches created from Alopecia and always means there is an underlying cause in your pup. Your dog may lose hair gradually or even just all of a sudden.
Parasites, namely ticks, are a big concern when it comes to alopecia and your dog’s health because they can be quite harmful. They can be found in wooded or grassy areas that are warm. Ticks can cause hypersensitivity, anemia, skin damage and irritation. Not to mention, they carry dangerous diseases with them such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Lyme disease, and even tick-borne fever.
Was My Dog Bitten By A Tick?
To figure out if your dog’s alopecia is caused by a tick, you need to look for the following issues:
●Alopecia (hair loss)
●Lack of appetite
●A cough
●Labored breathing
●Discharge from nose and eyes
●Hair loss around legs, eyes, the base of tail, chest, ears or in a circular pattern
●Chewing, scratching, biting or licking their skin repeatedly
●Dull coat
●Irritated skin, scabs or scaly patches
Tick Prevention and Removal
If you go to a wooded or grassy area with your pet, check them when you get done to make sure they do not have a tick. Do NOT use a flame to try and remove the tick. The best method is to rub alcohol or an alcohol swab around the area and pry the tick out with a pair of tweezers, holding close to the head. This is the safest recommended method for your pet. Flushing them down the toilet is not recommended as they can often come back up to bite you instead. Put them in a sealed jar of alcohol to dispose of them once and for all.
If you suspect your canine has been bitten by a tick, schedule a veterinary appointment right away! The sooner you catch the problem, the better off your dog is in the long run. Do not wait.